Saturday, August 04, 2007

Arriving in Maui (Aug 2, 2007)

We arrived in Maui without incident, though the landing was a little rough, which my friend assured me was pretty smooth for this airport. As we all got off the plane, my friend came up to us and said, "I know this is pretty forward, but would you guys like to come stay at my place the next two nights? You need a place to stay, and I have an empty place w/ toys for a 4 y.o. boy. From one Christian brother to another." G and I were stunned!

Now, the 1st thought through my head was, "What if this guy is an ax murderer?" But having spent the last 4.5hrs on the plane next to him, I thought and felt that he was real. We said, "yes!" At this point, we formally introduced ourselves and, finally, learned each other's names. I'll call him "the Canuck."

A friend would pick him up, then he'd return and pick us up and we'd all head over to his home. He lives on the west side of the island, so we pretty much continued chatting as if we never got off the plane! When we arrived at his home, it was the perfect little place for us to park until our family arrived and the vacation rental home was available. We all slept in the Canuck's son's room, which had a queen bed. He whipped out two inflatable beds for the boys- one Cars and the other Thomas the Tank Engine- and his son had lots cars and train engines. Needless to say, my boys were in heaven and made themselves right at home.

After the boys showered, we all had a Maui Tacos dinner then went to bed after a long travel day for everyone.

The Canuck and I did stay up a little bit to talk g33k stuff: Apple- Noticed his pretty new iMac w/ a black PC keyboard- his little boy spilled water on the Apple keyboard. Other topics included Google software and services, SimplifyMedia etc.

Next: First Day in Maui

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