Thursday, May 01, 2008

No-Slip Socks

At home, I prefer to go barefoot or just my socks. G reminds me to wear slippers, but I keep telling her that she can remind till we're in our 80's and I'll probably still resist wearing slippers.

Yesterday I was running around the house playing with little G and at one point cradled him my arms and was about to jump onto the sofa. Wearing socks, I slipped on the hardwood floors and took the brunt of the fall on my hip and right elbow; the latter to protect little G's head from hitting the hardwood floor, underneath which is the concrete slab foundation.

Still sore this morning, I joked that I wish there were socks for adults with rubber on the bottom like they sell for kids. For toddlers, that rubber is usually just text to note the company (i.e. "Old Navy") and the size (4T-5T), but that little traction really helps them from slip sliding all over the place.

A quick Google for "no slip socks" came up w/ this: How to Make Slip-Proof Socks
Seems pretty simple to just put rubbery fabric paint on the bottom of regular socks. I've seen no-slip socks in hospitals but they're usually very bulky- mine have to be able to function like regular every day socks. Anyways, when I have time (haha) I'll try it out. Maybe I'll stencil my name with glow in the dark colors.


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