Saturday, August 04, 2007

First Day in Maui (Aug 3, 2007)

Hawaii is 3 hours behind Pacific time, so the boys always wake up around 6AM local time. Just thinking about that makes me yawn.

The Canuck got up early and went to buy some groceries for breakfast! He'd been away from home for two months and had sublet his place out during that time. So he literally did not know what he had in the fridge and it was literally nothing! We felt so blessed to have home cooked bacon and eggs, and pb&j that morning.

G and I were trying to figure out what we wanted to do that day. We didn't want to be in the Canuck's way, but he said that he didn't have anything planned other than a short meeting at school in the afternoon. We thought about renting a car for the day b/c we didn't expect him to chauffeur us around- it was already too amazing to have a place to stay! In the end, he said we could borrow his car for the day and take the kids to the beach or to the Maui Ocean Center then we'd meet up later. He'd use his friend's car which she left w/ him while she was traveling.

Unbelievable- we had a place to stay and a car to use. Those were the two things I had to get once we arrived in Maui and there it was.

We took the car and visited the MOC which is quite nice, though it's no Monterey Bay Aquarium. The kids fell asleep in the car on the way back and we stopped at Safeway to get some things for "home" since the Canuck was in need of some necessities like napkins etc.

Shortly after we got home, the Canuck returned. (Yes, he gave us the car keys and the house keys.) We wanted to take him out to a nice dinner, but he suggested that we get some meat and fixin's and BBQ hamburgers for dinner. I'm not being at all gracious when I say that those Canuck burgers were the best I've ever had.

G got the kids to bed and she turned in w/ them.

The Canuck and I got into chatting about music (U2), science/theory of evolution, and finally theology. Genesis 1. It was a very engaging chat and the evolution/Genesis 1 part was not a debate, if you're wondering. He headed out to meet up w/ some buddies for sushi while I went to bed.

The next morning, he'd drive us to the airport to pick-up a rental car and then we'd meet up w/ my family.

Next: Thanks be to God, Maui-style

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