Friday, July 20, 2007

Simply Streamin' myTunes

SimplifyMedia is really cool. It allows you to stream your music in iTunes between your computers and between 30 friends as well!

Now I have access to my entire iTunes library anywhere my laptop can get an Internet connection! I got Lkwan to sign-up and we messed around streaming tunes.

Needed fixes and enhancements-

  • 1. Sometimes it freezes iTunes completely and I had to kill the process.
  • 2. It drops the connection for no apparent reason. Sometimes even killing my connection to the network.
  • 3. It can't browse your music from other computers via CoverFlow.
  • 4. Can't listen to friend's songs purchased in iTunes that has DRM unless my computer is authorized.
  • 5. Would be neat to be able to see what my friends are listening to from my library.
Anyways, let me know if you want to be my friend on SimplifyMedia.

SimplifyMedia has some awesome customer service. Paul Joyce, the co-founder, answered some of the items above in the comments. Click below.

Also, in a prior post I mentioned my favorite Christian artists. Well, if you're my SM friend, you can sample them from my iTunes!

Appears that it doesn't work through VPN. Bummer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thank you for trying Simplify Media. As you might now, this is our first version and we are committed to making it better. Specifically on your list:

5: we plan to give you more visibility like who is playing my music in future releases
4: unfortunately, the DMCA makes it illegal for us to handle DRM in a way that you suggest
3: that would be very cool but it might be very hard technically. We’ll investigate more

And, on 2 and 1: your connection to another computer may drop from time to time, but that should not impact your internet or iTunes. If that happens, please click on our S icon in the dock/tray and select Report Issue. By sending us your logs, you’ll help us figure out that is happening.

Thanks again. Please feel free to contact us directly if you have further problems or suggestions at support at simplifymedia.

Paul Joyce, co-founder Simplify Media


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