Sunday, May 28, 2006

WooHoo! ThinkPad 600E lives! T42 is a little shaky though

My ThinkPad 600E is alive and kicking! It's been elevated from paper weight to something better. Maybe a dedicated BitTorrent downloader? Now I just need to find some batteries and I'm set!

On a related note, my T42 which is from work is really wacky after coming back from our Oahu vacation. Sometimes the hard drive doesn't spin up when the machine starts, especially when it was set on a stack of papers hence was not level. On a level desk, it seems OK now. Oh well, at least the company got the 3 year extended warranty. Once that is up, which is next year, they make us get new laptops! If they still allow us to get ThinkPads next year, my next one will be a Core 2 Duo or better!

I wish we could get MacBook Pros at work :)

Update: June 6, After playing phone tag w/ IT dude, he thinks the main system board is bent.

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