Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Summer Movies

It's May, so the summer blockbusters are imminent... looking good:

  1. Superman Returns, the new trailer is pretty awesome.
  2. Cars from Pixar, I wonder if mL is old enough to sit through it
  3. M:i:III (mainly b/c Mr. "LOST" himself, J.J. Abrams, directed)
  4. X-Men 3, only if the reviews are good
While folding the laundry the other night, and flipping channels on the toob, saw a promo piece on M:i:III which basically said, "Tom Cruise is so awesome!" Anyways, at least G got interested in the movie. (And not b/c of Mr. Scientology)

With kiddies now, it's hard to see any movies even at home, let alone at the theater. When the movie is a blockbuster that should be experienced on the big screen, I usually want to go on opening weekend. Of course, G always asks, "So when are we going to use those VIP passes?" ($6.50 tix, but have to wait 2 weeks after opening) *sigh* delayed gratification (mantra)

Last year, I was dieing to see Batman Begins. Weeks and weeks went by, and by the time we saw it the only decent screen/showtime was on IMAX. G got nauseus from the fight scenes.

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