Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Star Wars Trilogy: Now in xTreme Ultra High Def w/ 32.3 Channel Sound

Lucasfilm announced that they will now release the original Star Wars Trilogy on DVD without the digital special effect enhancements from the 1997 theatrical re-release.

For the record, I have bought:

  • Star Wars Trilogy (original versions) on LaserDisc from Columbia House ($1/each+shipping)
  • Star Wars Trilogy (original versions) on LaserDisc, THX ($10/each from local store clearance)
  • Star Wars Trilogy (special editions) on DVD, (~$25/set from online store)
  • Ep 1, 2, 3 on DVD

I don't think I'm going to get this "new" old edition. It's not even Blu-Ray! Then again, even if it were (or will be), I don't think I'm going to get it. As an aside, there aren't that many movies which I already have on DVD which are worthy of the eventual upgrade to high-def disc- the LOTR Trilogy and the Pixar films are the 1st to come to mind.

The other thing is that the press release states that they heard the outcry from the fans demanding these editions. I don't believe that for one second. Lucas stated many times that he would not release the original versions of these films: a few years ago, they were released on VHS w/ THX cert. and they said,"This is your last chance to own the originals."

A similar thing happened for the DVD edition. Lucas said he wouldn't release them (special editions of the original trilogy) until the new movies were done and there'd be a super-box set. Of course, once they realized that they were about to miss out on the DVD $$$-train as high-def was on the horizon, they released it right away.

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