Thursday, May 04, 2006

More Prayer & Devotions

Started waking up at 7AM to have my quiet time w/ God. It wasn't too hard after the 1st couple times. I used to do it at night after finishing the dishes and the kids were in bed. But from MasterLife, one of the reasons stated for having a quite time is to prepare us to bear spiritual fruit. It occurred to me that I probably need to be awake to bear spiritual fruit. Therefore it didn't make sense to have my quiet times (preparing to bear fruit) in the evening, usually right before bed, and then go to sleep! Seems pretty simple, but it was earth shattering to me.

On my ~1 hr commute, I'm usually listening to 680 KNBR "Thee Sports Leader." From now on, I'm going to pray a while before I hit the AM button.

Anyways, The Razor is really hard on the ears on the drive home. Thankfully, it's baseball season.

If could find my Old Testament on CD , I could probably burn through it pretty quickly.

I'd still listen to the Tony Bruno segment on Gary Radnich's show.

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