Tuesday, May 09, 2006

PlayStation 3

So Sony announced launch details for PlayStation 3. It will come in two versions for $499 and $599- the cheaper one is missing the flash card slots, HDMI port, WiFi and will have a 20Gb hard drive rather a 60Gb one.

For a game machine that is pretty darn expensive. I remember my PlayStation 2 was $250 at launch and I barely played it that much.

But for a high-def DVD player, the $599 one is CHEAP! Plus it's a game machine! At the November launch you're gonna see audio/videophiles competing to get 'em along side the full-grown (20-30 y.o.) kiddies. In comparison, my father's first DVD player was a top of the line Sony that had an MSRP of $1200!! (We knew someone who legitimately got it for us cheaper.)

Almost everyone is decrying the fact that "low-end" one is missing an HDMI port to transmit the video signal to your brand new HDTV. What's the big deal? I'm pretty sure the A/V Multi-Out port can output full HD component video anyways, and most studios have already said they will not downgrade the resolution for the analog connectors.

Anyways... if you're wondering, I don't think we're getting one anytime soon.

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