Saturday, January 06, 2007

Lunch at the Beach Chalet

G made reservations for lunch at The Beach Chalet to celebrate my mom's birthday today.
I arrive 1st b/c I just finished a meeting at church. When they arrive, I help them disembark and go to park the car.

G calls me on the cell:

G: Did you find parking yet?
Me: Yeah, I'm on my way in.
G: You will be in for a big surprise when you get up here.
Me: Uh, OK..?

Find our table and they just finished settling down. Take off my coat.
G: Look who's right in front of you.
Me: Who? I don't see anyone.
G: Look at the guy who's right across from you.
Me: Where? (looking... looking...)

Me: Hey, it's Joe Montana and Jennifer!

I fought my urge to ask for his autograph since I figured he wanted to be left alone and no one else seemed to pay him any attention.

Anyways, that was pretty cool.

But not as cool as the time we spotted Maggie Cheung in Waikiki and again on the return flight to S.F. She was also in First Class along w/ us. This in 2002, before little G was born.

G: Hey, look who's in front of us to the left. (settling into our seats)
Me: (big smile)
G: Now you get to look at her the entire flight! (red eye HNL to SFO)
Me: But I'm just looking at the back of her head!

She autographed my United Airlines "Hemispheres" in-flight magazine after we disembarked.
As we went our separate ways, M shouted and she turned around and flashed her trademark smile. Beautiful.

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