Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Unfortunately, we don't get any TV reception using an indoor over-the-air antenna at the new place so we ended up getting DishTV and went for the HD DVR.

- The connection to the satellite is not as reliable as when we had Dish before at our old place.
- Don't watch that much TV, but when scanning what to watch, I pretty much only look at the HD channels.
- Setup the DVR to record movies off HBO-HD (3 mo. free) so we can watch 'em whenever.
- Speaking of which, HBO-HD has Star Wars Ep. 1 and 3 in high-def already! It looks great, needless to say- much better than std. DVD.
- The NFL Network has "America's Game" which profiles a specific NFL team's season. Got the 1994 49ers one that has Steve Young, Brent Jones and Merton Hanks talking heads with narration by Bruce Willis. Nice to reminisce that last Super Bowl.
- Pretty much anything is better in HD... like Food Network.
- The Kung Fu Network (HD) is... interesting.

Anyways, the real fun will come when "LOST" re-starts next month. Maybe I'll even get on the "24," "Battlestar Galactica" bandwagons.

Also caught Steven Spielberg's "War of the Worlds" on HBO-HD which I'll write about later, but in short: thumbs up.

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