Wednesday, July 11, 2007

My "Contemporary" Christian Music Greatest Hits

Steve Green's song "Guard Your Heart" came to mind today. The lyrics are so beautiful. He sang such powerful songs- listening to them now send chills up my arms and down my back. The melody, the arrangement, and the lyrics really uplift my spirit.

Contemporary Christian music is so different now compared to twenty years ago. (duh!) My all time favorite singer is Twila Paris- her ethereal voice is angelic plus she writes all her music and lyrics. Steven Curtis Chapman's pretty awesome. So you know their duet "Faithful Friend" is doubly good.

Amy Grant's early stuff was really good before she crossed over. Basically anything pre-"Lead Me On", pre-Vince Gill. The stuff she wrote herself is very good.

So for you youngsters out there, check 'em out.

1 comment:

Rose said...

When I listen to Steve Green songs, it totally reminds me of another lifetime of mine - it seemed so long ago. Once in a while when Gary's worship group sings his song, I'm like, "Yeah! I know this song... from 22 years ago!" Ugh.

I was going to comment on the Amy Grant and Vince Gill thing but decided that I would end up going off topic. Your comment was more on her music anyway. Here's a recent article regarding them though, although it is from VG's POV:


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