Thursday, February 21, 2008


One day, Little G didn't take his nap. He's much more stubborn compared to his older brother, M. Usually when I get home, their play area's a mess, so before dinner, I ask them to clean up to get ready for dinner. M said this to his little brother, "It's OK G, I'll clean up for you. You're tired because you didn't take your nap today."

Some people think Little G is "daddy's boy," while M isn't. When the little one was 1st born, I held him and fed him milk into the wee hours of the night until he'd finally fall asleep. This was in the 1st few months when you're totally sleep deprived. I think in doing this, G got pretty attached to me. Of course, M being older always wanted Mommy. Anyways, I love one just as much as the other even though it may seem I'm more affectionate with the younger one. Last night, M wanted me to carry him to his bed and stay with him until he fell asleep. That was like the best part of my day. I told my wife, "See! I don't favor the little one! It's just that M is more grown-up and independant."

Finally... we're expecting a new toddler to be in our family!! "Our family" being my sister and her husband are expecting their first child! Our gut feeling is that it will be a girl.

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