Tuesday, June 19, 2007

"Say, that's a nice bike you got there."

G remarked to me that I've done a really good job influencing my sons, especially the little one, to like superheroes. Little G can say "Spider-Man" - though he confuses Spider-Man w/ Superman, and even Buzz Lightyear. He'll say "Woody and Spider-Man" when he means Buzz. Oh well, he's only 2.5 y.o. close enough!

"The Dark Knight's" got a pretty nice bike:

It looks like it's inspired by the lightcycles from TRON.

I wonder if Batman's "batpod," as they're calling it, can do 90 degree angles at full speed. Now that would be pretty cool. One problem I have w/ the bike, though, is that it appears to have machine guns mounted and, from the comics, Batman never uses a gun b/c his parents were killed by a robber with a gun. Maybe those are lasers instead of traditional machine guns.

Now who uttered that line, "Say, that's a nice bike you got there."
Answer: The T1000 from "Terminator 2" :)

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