Wednesday, July 30, 2008

iPhone Remote App + AirPort Express with AirTunes = Awesome

I just setup the Apple AirPort Express with AirTunes(802.11G version). Combined with the Apple Remote application on the iPhone this is very, very, very cool.

Now, from anywhere in the house, you can control the iTunes library stored on your computer from the iPhone and stream the music to your home stereo system. The Remote application can even control which set of speakers to send the music to- the computer speakers or the AirTunes one.

No more being limited to the music on the iPhone. Ours is 8Gb.
No more having to plug the iPhone into speakers, especially since this one has the recessed headphone jack.
No more having to control the iPhone/iPod by walking up to it since it's hardwired to the speakers.

Now if only the Remote application could control the iTunes library and stream your music to the iPhone.

Anyways, setting up the AirPort Express with Windows wasn't exactly straightfoward. I had to muck with the PC's network settings, then set them back.

Otherwise, this is awesome. My wife was duly impressed but in the next breath said, "What about FM radio reception?" Guess I'm going to go buy an AM/FM antenna tomorrow. At least I can listen to the Giants then.

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