Sunday, June 15, 2008

Iron Man (Two Thumbs Up! Chick Flick!)

We're usually in the City on the weekends, in from the 'burbs, and stay at my parent's house. Sometimes when the kiddies are in bed, we take off for a late night date while my parent's are at home with the kids.

When "Iron Man" opened, I kinda really wanted to see it, but I wasn't dieing dieing to see it ASAP like "Superman Returns" or "Batman Begins." For those two, we didn't get to the theaters till long after they already moved them to smaller theater screens so my long suffering wife and I saw them on the IMAX screen at the Metreon. I figured, "Hey, if they're moved to small screens, might as well go see these mega blockbusters on the biggest screen available... IMAX baby!" Remember Superman was in IMAX 3-D BTW. And Batman fight scenes were pretty close up by the director's intention... so my wife got a little nauseous in that one.

Anyways, it had been a while since we went out on a late nighter. And my parents were leaving for a cruise to Alaska in a few days, so it was going to be a couple weeks until we'd have the convenience of free babysitting for a date.

But my wife always gives me, "Why can't we ever go to see a romantic movie?" To which I say, "We'd go if there were ever any good ones."

Anyways, I think I'm a loving husband... Sooooo... I was ready to take her to see "Made of Honor" which opened the same weekend as "Iron Man" Really!

Now, don't get me wrong. My wife is awesome. When I gleefully showed her the trailer for "Spider-Man" she sweetly, genuinely, immediately said to me, "I'd love to take you to see Spider-Man." She went to see "Spider-Man 3" with me while we were on vacation in Honolulu. Yeah- she's awesome.

Anyways... we're hustling the kids off to bed and she's browsing the newspaper to see what movies are out and I point out the review for "Made of Honor" in the SF Chronicle. I 100% would have taken her to see it if she still wanted to go. She flipped to the front of the Datebook section and saw the "Iron Man" review.

With the kids off to bed, she reluctantly said, "OK, Let's go." Whenever she's reluctant to go see one of my superhero/action movies my retort is, "Have I ever taken you to a bad movie?" Well, I think the only one would be "The Matrix Reloaded" in IMAX... the Burly Brawl made her a little nauseous.

As the movie came out over a month ago, you already know: Chicks dig Iron Man! So many of our lady friends rave about it. G loved it. Sure, she was tense through out the whole thing, but it was thrilling. She loved the story, the humor, RDJ, Gwyneth (hot!), and the Suit, of course.

I never read the "Iron Man" comic books so I went in pretty "clean." I thoroughly enjoyed it and walked out of the theater in awe thinking to myself that that was probably one of the best superhero movies ever.

So "Iron Man" is two thumbs up from us. And yes, it really is a chick flick.

It will be interesting to see how "The Dark Knight" compares with "Iron Man."

1 comment:

Rose said...

You crack me up! I never even heard of Ironman... and I actually only read the action hero comic books when I was growing up because ... my dad used to bring me to a barber shop in Chinatown, and they only had those types of comic books. I've heard good things about the movie and hadn't heard it was a chick flick... yeah, right.


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