Thursday, April 03, 2008

Manna from Heaven

We were reading Bible bedtime stories with the kids tonight and we got to the story of the Exodus. My wife was reading from a children's Bible where God provides manna for the Israelites while in the desert.

Of course, toddlers don't know what is "manna" so G explained that it's like bread. M, the older one, immediately asked, "Do they have any butter?" Little G followed with, "Do they have any cheese?" M takes after my mom and likes to butter his bread at restaurants. Little G likes cheese on his bread, especially for breakfast. Hilarious.

To reinforce the idea of manna, G asked them something, I don't recall what. But M's response, "Yes, they have good mannas" - A word play on manna and manners. He's only 5 years old!

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