Thursday, June 08, 2006


This seems like a neat new way to make a faster, even superior, cup of coffee or espresso. The AeroPress is from the maker of the Aerobie- yup, the pliable flying disc w/ the hole in the middle you sling around at picnics. Who would've thought?

From the info on their site, they got this brewing down to a science. In the SJ Mercury News (I think), that even using the ground coffee provided in offices ("Superior Coffee"), the Aeropress is vastly better compared to the usual drip brew.

When I mentioned this product to G. Her response: "So much for that $200 (Nespresso pod) espresso machine." Not too long ago I got a French press coffee maker as well. Both are good, but for $30, the Aeropress is worth a shot.

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